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Defending Child Custody

Experienced Joliet Child Custody Lawyer

Child custody battles are one of the most emotionally trying and stressful times in a parent’s life, and undoubtedly the hardest part of a divorce. In most divorce cases, each spouse is happy to go his or her own separate ways without much battling; however, when that divorce involves children, the opposite is almost always true. In no other aspect of divorce are tensions higher and emotions more strained. Unfortunately, in no other aspect of divorce are what you say and do so observed and analyzed. Because of this, you must proceed with great caution throughout the entire custody dispute.

At Sabuco Beck, P.C., our Joliet child custodyattorneys have extensive experience in child custody disputes, and can guide you on how to act throughout the entire process, advise you on what to say, and provide the emotional and legal support you need when you need it.

Our Joliet Attorneys Can Help in Child Custody Cases

The child custody attorneys at our office help defend our client’s rights to custody of their children. In order to help our clients improve their odds of receiving the desired amount of child custody, we advise them to do the following:

  1. Level the playing field.

The court will use a host of experts to evaluate both you and your former spouse and give their opinion about your level of “fitness” as a parent. Your former spouse may hire a skilled attorney. You should do the same. The best way to enter a custody dispute is with a team of top attorneys who are knowledgeable on family law and can advise you on how to proceed to achieve the best possible outcome.

  1. Strive to reach an agreement with your spouse.

The best way to achieve a custody agreement that both you and your spouse are satisfied with is to negotiate terms on your own. Whether you want to sit down with them one on one or hire a divorce mediator to mediate the process, hashing out your custody wants prior to going through the courts could yield the best outcome.

  1. Respect your spouse’s right to be a parent.

One of the biggest mistakes a person can make before going before a judge is assuming that the other parent does not have the same rights to the child as you do. The judge likes to know that each parent will support the other’s parenting efforts and will likely grant custody to the more lenient parent.

  1. Strive for an arrangement that works.

Many parents are so set on “winning” that they fail to consider their lifestyle, their child’s schedule, and their child’s needs. Oftentimes, once a parent wins full custody they realize that they cannot handle the responsibilities of full-time child rearing on their own. The best thing for you, your child, and even your spouse is to seriously consider the implications of full custody, and whether or not you can handle it.

Consult with a Joliet Child Custody Attorney

At the law firm ofSabuco Beck, P.C., our goal is to defend your rights to your child. If you are in the midst of a child custody battle, or if you are about to enter one, consult with an experienced child custody lawyer to learn more about what you need to do to defend your case. To meet with one of our experienced lawyers today, call 815-730-8860.

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Joliet Office

950 Essington Road Suite B
Joliet, IL 60435

Phone : (815) 730-8860

Fax : (815) 730-8865

Minooka Office

500 Bob Blair Road
Minooka, IL 60447

Phone : (815) 467-0270

Fax : (815) 467-0271