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High Asset Divorce

Professional High Asset Illinois Divorce Attorney Serving The Will County Area

Divorce can significantly impact your financial security, making it crucial to have a trusted legal advisor on your side. This is even more true in cases involving couples with significant assets or property holdings. At Sabuco Beck, P.C.our high asset Illinois divorce attorneys understand how much is at stake in your case, and provides the professional legal representation you need to get the maximum amount in your divorce settlement.

Highly Skilled, Experienced Legal Representation For Your High Asset Divorce Case

While a high asset divorce is subject to the same rules and regulations outlined under the Illinois Compiled Statutesthat govern any divorce case, greater amounts of marital property and assets mean a greater potential for disputes.

At Sabuco Beck, P.C., our Will County divorce attorneys are skilled negotiators. With over 90+ years of legal practice in handling divorce matters in Illinois, we understand how the law is applied to different cases, and use that knowledge to your advantage. Factors that could influence your case include:  

  • Your age and the length of time you have been married;
  • Your current income and earning potential;
  • Any career or educational sacrifices you made in support of one another or to provide for children;
  • The manner of living the spouses enjoyed;
  • Actions that increased or decreased the value of the assets;
  • Amounts previously disbursed to avoid having them included in a settlement.

Helping You Get The Maximum Amount in Your Divorce Settlement

One of the keys to ensuring you get the maximum amount you are entitled to in your high asset divorce case is to ensure all jointly owned property and assets are disclosed. At Sabuco Beck, P.C., our Will County divorce attorneys are highly effective in uncovering evidence of hidden assets and earnings, which may include:

  • Vacation homes, shares in land, and rental properties tilted with other parties or under a company name;
  • Shares in business partnerships and stock holdings;
  • Money hidden in offshore accounts;
  • Bonuses and commissions which are earned but not paid;
  • Future interests, such as those being held in life insurance and pension accounts.

Once identified, Forbesadvises that failing to properly assess the worth of items such as businesses and stock holdings could cost you significant sums you would otherwise be entitled to in your settlement.  

Contact Our Will County High Asset Divorce Attorney Today

In cases where your financial future is on the line, get the highly qualified, professional legal representation you need and contact our Illinois high asset divorce attorneystoday. With three offices conveniently located throughout the Will County area, Sabuco Beck, P.C. is here to help you get the most successful results in your case.

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Joliet Office

950 Essington Road Suite B
Joliet, IL 60435

Phone : (815) 730-8860

Fax : (815) 730-8865

Minooka Office

500 Bob Blair Road
Minooka, IL 60447

Phone : (815) 467-0270

Fax : (815) 467-0271