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Child Support Modifications

Experienced Illinois Child Support Modification Attorney Serving Will County

Every parent wants their child to have what they need to be both comfortable and successful in life. For divorced and single parents, child support is often crucial to making sure this happens. At Sabuco Beck, P.C., our Will County child support modification attorneysunderstand how these cases can often become highly contentious. The parent with primary custody may feel like they are not getting what they need to provide for the child, while the parent paying support may feel the terms of their order are unreasonable or unfair. We provide experienced legal representation for clients involved in these types of disputes, looking at the individual issues involved to help get court modifications that are in both you and your child’s best interests.

Cases Our Will County Child Support Modification Attorneys Represent

Legal guidelines for how child support issues are handled are listed under Section 505 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes. Whether arising out of divorce or as an independent action, the judge in the matter will consider a number of issues in determining the amount of support that is appropriate. This includes reviewing each parent’s total income and debts, the amount of care the child may require, and the standard of living they are likely to have enjoyed had the parent’s remained together.

Once an order has been issued by the court, changes may later be required. At Sabuco Beck, P.C., we provide professional representation for clients regarding the following modification issues:

  • Significant changes in either parent’s regular income or status in life;
  • Significant changes in the expenses associated with caring for the child;
  • Changes in custody and joint time sharing arrangements;
  • Situations in which a former court order may not have included certain costs, such as medical care or education related expenses;
  • Situations in which it is discovered that one of the parents was hiding assets.

To change your custody order, the appropriate documents must be filed with the Will County family court. A hearing will be scheduled, and both sides will be permitted to present evidence in support of their claims.

Dedicated Legal Service To Ensure Your Rights Are Protected

If you have questions about whether child custody modification might be an option in your case, call or contact Sabuco Beck, P.C.online to request a consultation. We serve clients in Joliet, Minooka, Morris and the surrounding areas, providing the practical knowledge and legal skill you need to protect the rights of both you and your child.    

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Joliet Office

950 Essington Road Suite B
Joliet, IL 60435

Phone : (815) 730-8860

Fax : (815) 730-8865

Minooka Office

500 Bob Blair Road
Minooka, IL 60447

Phone : (815) 467-0270

Fax : (815) 467-0271