When you are facing criminal charges in Wilmington, Illinois, it is essential to begin building your defense strategy as soon as possible. If you are convicted of a criminal offense, from a petty offense up to a first-degree murder charge, you may be subject to a period of incarceration and substantial monetary fines. While a traffic offense might not seem like a serious charge, a criminal record can drastically change your life. While an initial sentence might be minimal for a misdemeanor, a criminal record can have many repercussions for decades to come. For instance, you may be unable to obtain loans from a bank, you may be declined for employment anytime you apply for a job, and you may be ineligible to rent a home. The best way to avoid having a criminal record is to work on a defense strategy from the start with an experienced Wilmington criminal defense lawyer.
At Sabuco Beck, P.C., we have tried hundreds of jury trials, and we have a record of working with Will County prosecutors and judges on fair plea agreements for defendants. We want you to know that you have rights when you are charged with a criminal offense in Illinois, and you can avoid a conviction by building a strong defense.
Depending upon the type of crime for which you are convicted, the penalties can vary widely. Under the Illinois Unified Code of Corrections (730 ILCS 5/), the following penalties can apply to specific classes of offenses:
For first-degree and second-degree murder cases, the terms of imprisonment can range from 20 years in prison up to the death penalty (for first-degree murder) and from four to 20 years in prison (for second-degree murder). In some cases, the penalties can be even steeper. For instance, if the murder conviction is determined to have involved “wanton cruelty,” the penalty can nearly double. For any felonies in which an aggravating factors exists, the term of the sentence can also be extended.
In some cases, probation may be appropriate instead of a prison sentence. An aggressive Wilmington criminal defense lawyer can advocate for a sentence that excludes prison time, especially if you have been accused as a first-time offender.
If you are convicted of a criminal offense in Illinois, you have a right to appeal the court’s decision. However, you must act quickly. According to Illinois Supreme Court Rule 606(b), you must file your appeal within 30 days. While we understand that the shock of a criminal conviction can take time to set in, it is important to act quickly if there is a strong possibility that you can win your case on appeal.
At Sabuco Beck, P.C., we have years of experience producing appellate briefs, and we can argue your case before an appellate court in Illinois. While the appeals process can seem daunting, we are here to provide the best possible defense and to prove your innocence.
Were you recently charged with a crime? An aggressive Wilmington criminal defense attorney can assist you. Contact Sabuco Beck, P.C. today.