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Divorce Attorneys Near Me

Divorce Attorneys Near Me

Dealing with the breakdown of a marriage and making it legal through a divorce could be emotionally, financially, and legally challenging for many people. Luckily, legal assistance from an experienced Illinois divorce attorney could alleviate some of the stress of the divorce. 

If you’re looking for divorce attorneys near you in Illinois, look no further than the Joliet divorce attorneys of Sabuco Beck, P.C. We have ample experience in divorce cases and family law matters, and we are certain that we can secure the best possible outcome for your case. 

What is Divorce Under Illinois Law?

Under Illinois law, the court will officially end your marriage with your spouse along with the legal benefits it affords both of you. The divorce could be uncontested, which means that the divorcing couple agrees on all their divorces issues, and both parties agree to get divorced or contested, which means that the couple can’t agree and settle their divorce issues. 

Some divorcing couples might be eligible for the joint simplified divorce, which is a faster and easier divorce option. However, you must meet very specific legal requirements to qualify for one. 

Who Can Get a Divorce in Illinois?

To qualify for a divorce, one of the spouses must have resided in the state for a minimum of 90 days. You don’t necessarily have to file for divorce in the specific state where you got married. You must, however, prove that there are irreconcilable differences between you and your spouse. 

In some cases, simply living in different homes for a minimum of six months is enough to prove the existence of irreconcilable differences, so you won’t need to prove that you and your spouse can no longer be together. 

What Issues Must Be Decided in a Divorce?

The divorce judgment or decree issued by the judge marks the end of every divorce case. This officially ends a marriage and must include arrangements or orders for these divorce issues: 

  • Parenting Issues and Child Support – This includes decisions on each parent’s responsibilities, including how to divide decision-making power and parenting time. The judge will also determine and order how much child support one of the parents needs to pay the other parent.  
  • Property Division – The judge will need to divide the couple’s property, including money, investments, real estate, belongings, and debts, among others. In Illinois, marital property and debt are divided equitably in a divorce, which doesn’t necessarily mean equal. To do this, the judge considers the financial and related contributions each spouse made in the acquisition of the property, as well as each spouse’s financial circumstances and the possibility that either might acquire property in the future. 
  • Spousal Support – The judge will decide which and if one of the spouses needs financial support and how much. 

Consult with Divorce Attorneys Near Me Today

Divorce is never easy, but with legal guidance from the Illinois divorce attorneys of Sabuco Beck, P.C., you can rest easy that all the legal aspects of your divorce will be handled. If you want to consult with divorce attorneys near me in Illinois, do not hesitate to reach out to us online to arrange your appointment. 

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